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Colleen Moore DeVere, LMFT, MAC, CAPMS is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, nationally certified...

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Colleen Moore DeVere, LMFT, MAC, CAPMS, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Master Addiction Counselor, Certified Addiction-Free Pain Management Specialist
4120 E. Douglas Blvd. Suite 306, Granite Bay, CA 95746  530-320-2120


Relapse Prevention Plans

Relapse Prevention Evaluations are for those who have a known substance dependence problem and need...
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As an attorney, you have more to do than become an expert in substance use problems. That is my job!
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Addiction-Free Pain Management™

  Addiction-Free Pain Management is a program that helps people who suffer from chronic pain addictive disorders...
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Individual Intervention

  When we think of intervention we think of family intervention. I have found that intervention with an individual is just...
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Colleen Moore, LMFT, MAC, CAPMS
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Master Addiction Counselor
Certified Addiction-Free Pain Management Specialist

About Colleen Moore DeVere


Colleen Moore DeVere, LMFT, MAC, CAPMS is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, nationally certified Master Addiction Counselor and Addiction-Free Pain Management Specialist who has been practicing in the field of addiction since 1988.

Colleen has been providing forensic substance abuse evaluations and expertise to family and criminal Courts in the State of California for over 25 years. Colleen offers nationwide substance abuse evaluations and case consultation using video conferencing technology.

Each substance abuse evaluation for family law is designed to meet the expectations and standards of the referring family law court and/or professional.

Colleen is available to speak to groups in person and via video conferencing regarding substance use evaluations and abstinence and recovery monitoring in family law cases. She can also speak about the effective use of Soberlink in family law cases.

Colleen is a certified Soberlink professional. Colleen has acted as a professional Soberlink monitor for over 5 years. She can provide case consultation regarding setting up a monitoring plan and case consultation regarding non-compliance.

Colleen received extensive training from the Matrix Addictions and Treatment Institute, located in Los Angeles, California and served as a program manager for an outpatient chemical dependency treatment program for seven years and consulted for an additional two years. Colleen taught relapse prevention in three California Universities.

Colleen is certified as an Addiction-Free Pain Management Specialist. The addiction-free pain management model is a comprehensive cognitive and behavioral pain management strategy with the goal of decreasing the use of pain medications. This model is also highly effective in resolving psychological/emotional pain that tends to co-exist with chronic physical pain.


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Relapse Prevention Evaluations for Family and Criminal Law and Private Sector


images1Relapse Prevention Evaluations are for those who have a known substance dependence problem and need an expert to evaluate the veracity of their current abstinence and recovery participation and/or recommend a treatment and recovery plan to prevent relapse.

This type of evaluation includes a clinical interview, collateral interviews, review of supporting documents and an agreed upon written abstinence and recovery plan.