Professional monitor with over 25 years of experience and expertise in Family Law cases
Experienced Soberlink monitor since 2014
More Than Recovery sets up the weekly testing schedule for parenting time only for parents who are unable or unwilling to work together to complete this task
Professional consultation regarding the most effective Soberlink monitoring program for your case
Expert testimony available
Nationwide and international services
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Why Use Soberlink?

A Special Note to Judges, Attorneys, Mediators, Evaluators and Substance Abuse Professionals…
Before recommending or ordering Soberlink, it is best to get consultation about how to set up the Soberlink monitoring specific to your case. There are monitoring methods that work and don’t work. The most successful cases are those that are set up correctly at the start. You can email More Than Recovery with any questions. Our goal is to have a response to you within 24 hours.
How to get started?
It takes less than an hour to get started on Soberlink once the participant has received a device. Contact More Than Recovery to schedule a phone appointment to discuss your case. You will then receive agreements that must be signed and returned. Both parties are then contacted to review the monitoring agreements and how to use the Soberlink device.
What you will need to know before you get started is the number of months of monitoring, the number of tests per day, and your parenting schedule if you are being monitored for parenting time only. If you do not know the number of months or the number of tests per day, and you need help to make these decisions then you should schedule a phone consultation appointment with us.
How does the monitoring work?
The participant is scheduled to submit a breath test at pre-agreed times throughout the day. The individual is notified via text when to submit a breath sample. More Than Recovery uses a 60 minute testing window.
A photograph of the individual blowing into the device is taken and within 60 seconds the reading is sent to the Soberlink portal where the information is stored. If there is a missed or positive test, that information goes to the monitor and the concerned party. The monitor determines if the missed or positive test is actually a missed or positive that reflects a drinking event.