Attorney Consults


images 22As an attorney, you have more to do than become an expert in substance use problems. That is my job!


I am an expert in substance use problems and I love it! It has taken me years of training and experience to know what I know about addiction.


Because helping people to recover from addiction is a passion of mine, and I am fluent in the area, I attempt to make myself available for consult whenever I can.


I have an open door policy for attorneys. I invite you to call anytime you have questions about your substance-related cases or questions about an employee and even a family member. I can provide information about specific substances, intervention, legal strategies, testing strategies, treatment resources and much more.


You can also hire me as your expert to work on your substance related cases to

tick Prepare your client for mediation or trial

tick Provide you with winning strategies

tick Evaluate your client privately to determine if they have a substance related problem or not

I enjoy building working relationships... Feel free to call anytime with any questions you may have!


Expert Testimony


how to become an expertOccasionally I am called to provide expert testimony on cases where I have conducted substance use evaluations.


I have provided testimony in California Superior Court for family law and testimony for the Board of Behavioral Sciences for nurses, pharmacists and veterinarians.


I am also available as an expert witness to provide testimony about the clinic issues related to substance use.


This can include expert testimony about the following:

tick Is there a substance use disorder?

tick The degree of severity of that substance use disorder.

tick Are they treatable?

tick What are the relapse risks?

tick Comorbid problems that interfere with successful recovery.


It is recommended that you call ahead to discuss your case so that I can determine if my expertise can provide what you're looking for.

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